100% All-Natural Pet Snacks
Serving Pet Owners Nationwide Since 2018
Tasty Treats for Dogs, Horses, Rabbits, Goats, and More
If you’re looking for 100% all-natural pet snacks that your animal companions will love, you’ve come to the right place. At Sweet Potato Snaps in Coloma, Wisconsin, we offer sweet potato snacks that are easy on your pet’s stomach.
Pets of all types and sizes are sure to love our treats. Dogs, horses, donkeys, rabbits, and many other pets have been enjoying our all-natural sweet potato snacks.
Additionally, don’t forget to check out our sweet potato-infused cranberry pet snacks. These treats are infused with 100% natural cranberry juice with no additives. We use locally grown Wisconsin cranberries to make the juice.

The Pros of Letting Your Pets Eat Sweet Potato Snaps
Sweet potatoes help keep your pet’s organs healthy. They are also high in fiber, making them fantastic for your pet’s digestive system.
The amino acids in sweet potatoes help maintain healthy, strong, and lean muscles. They also boost antioxidant activity, which helps protect against cancer and other diseases.
Other benefits include:
Let’s Talk
Contact us for more information about our pet snacks. We’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.